ValidateDatabase function

bool UltraLite_Connection_iface::ValidateDatabase(
  ul_u_short flags,
  ul_validate_callback_fn fn,
  ul_void * user_data,
  const ULValue & table_id
  • flags   Flags controlling the type of validation

  • fn   Function to receive validation progress information

  • user_data   User data to send back to the caller via the callback

  • table_id   Optionally, a specific table to validate


Validates the database on this connection.

Depending on the flags passed to this routine, the low level store and/or the indexes can be validated. To receive information during the validation, implement a callback function and pass the address to this routine. To limit the validation to a specific table, pass in the table name or ID as the last parameter.

  • False if there were errors during the validation.