Data retrieval: SELECT

The SELECT statement allows you to retrieve information from the database. When you execute a SELECT statement, the PreparedStatement.ExecuteQuery method returns a ResultSet object.

See UltraLite_PreparedStatement_iface class.

To execute a SELECT statement

  1. Create a prepared statement object.

    PreparedStatement * prepStmt = 
        conn->PrepareStatement( UL_TEXT("SELECT MyColumn FROM MyTable") );
  2. Execute the statement.

    In the following code, the result of the SELECT query contains a string, which is output to the command prompt.

    #define MAX_NAME_LEN     100
    ULValue val;
    ResultSet * rs = prepStmt->ExecuteQuery();
    while( rs->Next() ){
       char mycol[ MAX_NAME_LEN ];
       val = rs->Get( 1 );
       val.GetString( mycol, MAX_NAME_LEN );
       printf( "mycol= %s\n", mycol );