General build procedure

Sample code

You can find a makefile that uses this process in the samples-dir\UltraLite\ESQLSecurity directory.

Separately licensed component required

ECC encryption and FIPS-certified encryption require a separate license. All strong encryption technologies are subject to export regulations.

See Separately licensed components.


To build an UltraLite embedded SQL application

  1. Run the SQL preprocessor on each embedded SQL source file.

    The SQL preprocessor is the sqlpp command line utility. It preprocesses the embedded SQL source files, producing C++ source files to be compiled into your application.

    For more information about the SQL preprocessor, see SQL Preprocessor for UltraLite utility (sqlpp).


    sqlpp overwrites the output file without regard to its contents. Ensure that the output file name does not match the name of any of your source files. By default, sqlpp constructs the output file name by changing the suffix of your source file to .cpp. When in doubt, specify the output file name explicitly, following the name of the source file.

  2. Compile each C++ source file for the target platform of your choice. Include:

    • each C++ file generated by the SQL preprocessor
    • any additional C or C++ source files required by your application
  3. Link all these object files, together with the UltraLite runtime library.