Deploying Windows Mobile applications

When compiling UltraLite applications for Windows Mobile, you can link the UltraLite runtime library either statically or dynamically. If you link it dynamically, you must copy the UltraLite runtime library for your platform to the target device.

To build and deploy an application using the UltraLite runtime DLL

  1. Preprocess your code, then compile the output with UL_USE_DLL.

  2. Link your application using the UltraLite imports library.

  3. Copy both your application executable and the UltraLite runtime DLL to your target device.

    The UltraLite runtime DLL is in chip-specific directories under the \ultralite\ce subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation directory.

To deploy the UltraLite runtime DLL for the Windows Mobile emulator, place the DLL in the appropriate subdirectory of your Windows Mobile tools directory. The following directory is the default setting for the Pocket PC emulator:

C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce300\MS Pocket PC\

Deploying applications that use ActiveSync
Assigning class names for applications