Storing UltraLite parameters with the ULSQLCONNECT environment variable

The ULSQLCONNECT environment variable is optional, and is not set by the installation program. ULSQLCONNECT contains a list of parameters defined as keyword=value pairs in a semicolon delimited list.

Use ULSQLCONNECT to avoid having to supply the same connection parameters repeatedly to UltraLite administration tools during development. You cannot use ULSQLCONNECT for custom applications.


Do not use the pound character (#) as an alternative to the equal sign; the pound character is ignored in UltraLite. All platforms supported by UltraLite allow you to use = inside an environment variable setting.

To set ULSQLCONNECT for UltraLite desktop tools

  1. Run the following command:

    set ULSQLCONNECT="parameter=value; ..."
  2. If an administration tool requires any additional parameters or if you need to override default values set with this environment variable, ensure you set these values. User supplied values always take precedence over this environment variable.

See also

To use ULSQLCONNECT to connect to a file named c:\database\myfile.udb and authenticate the user demo with the password test, set the following variable in your ULSQLCONNECT environment variable:

set ULSQLCONNECT="DBF=c:\database\myfile.udb;UID=demo;PWD=test"

By setting this environment variable, you no longer need to use the -c connection option for these defaults values—unless you need to override these values.

For example, if you were using ulload to add additional information to your database from an extra.xml file, you would run the following command:

ulload -a extra.xml