Stream Type synchronization parameter

Sets the MobiLink network protocol to use for synchronization.


The syntax varies depending on the API you use. You can also set this parameter with ulsync.


This parameter is required. It has no default value.

Most network protocols require protocol options to identify the MobiLink server address and other behavior. These options are supplied in the Stream Parameters parameter. See Stream Parameters synchronization parameter.

When the network protocol requires an option, pass that option using the Stream Parameters parameter; otherwise, set the Stream Parameters parameter to null.

The following stream types are available, but not all are available on all target platforms:

Network protocol Description
HTTP Synchronize over HTTP.

Synchronize over HTTPS.

The HTTPS protocol uses TLS as its underlying security layer. It operates over TCP/IP.

TCP/IP Synchronize over TCP/IP.
TLS Synchronize over TCP/IP with transport-layer security (TLS). TLS secures client/server communications using digital certificates and public-key cryptography.

For a list of supported platforms, see [external link] SQL Anywhere Supported Platforms and Engineering Support Status.

See also

For UltraLite for C/C++ applications, set the parameter as follows:

Connection conn;
ul_synch_info info;
conn.InitSynchInfo( &info ); = "http";