Lesson 2: Logging in and populating the UltraLite remote database

This lesson demonstrates how to:

  • Start the sample MobiLink server.
  • Start the sample UltraLite client application.
  • Log into UltraLite.

In this walkthrough, the sample application is running on the same desktop computer as the MobiLink server. However, you can also deploy a client application to the device and achieve the same result.

To start and synchronize the sample application

  1. From the Start menu, choose Programs » SQL Anywhere 11 » MobiLink » Synchronization Server Sample. Or, execute the following command:

    mlsrv11 -c "DSN=SQL Anywhere 11 CustDB" -zu+ -vcrs

    A command prompt appears displaying messages about the MobiLink server's status.

  2. From the Start menu, choose Programs » SQL Anywhere 11 » UltraLite » Windows Sample Application.

  3. In the Employee ID field, type 50, and then press Enter.

    After you enter the employee ID, the application synchronizes. The MobiLink server messages window displays messages showing the synchronization taking place.

    The default synchronization script determines which subset of customers, products, and orders is downloaded to the application when user 50 logs in. In this case, only orders that have not yet been approved are downloaded.

  4. Confirm that the application contains data.

    A company name and a sample order should appear in the application window.