UltraLite RESERVE_SIZE connection parameter

Pre-allocates the file system space required for your UltraLite database, without actually inserting any data. By reserving the file system space means that the space cannot be used up by other files.

RESERVE_SIZE= number{ k | m | g }

0 (no reserve size)


The value you supply can be any value from 0 to your maximum database size. Use k, m, or g to specify units of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, respectively. If you do not specify a unit, bytes are assumed by default.

You should run the database with test data and observe the database size and choose a reserve size that suits your UltraLite deployment.

If the RESERVE_SIZE value is smaller than the database size, UltraLite ignores the parameter.

Reserving file system space can improve performance slightly because it may:

  • Reduce the degree of file fragmentation compared to growing incrementally.
  • Prevent out-of-storage memory failures.

Because an UltraLite database consists of data and metadata, the database size grows only when required (when the application updates the database).

See also

The following connection string fragment sets the reserve size to 128 KB so the system reserves that much system space for the database upon startup.