HEXTOINT function [Data type conversion]

Returns the decimal integer equivalent of a hexadecimal string.

The CAST, CONVERT, HEXTOINT, and INTTOHEX functions can be used to convert to and from hexadecimal values. For more information on using these functions, see Converting to and from hexadecimal values.

HEXTOINT( hexadecimal-string )
  • hexadecimal-string   The string to be converted to an integer.


The HEXTOINT function accepts string literals or variables consisting only of digits and the uppercase or lowercase letters A-F, with or without a 0x prefix. The following are all valid uses of HEXTOINT:

SELECT HEXTOINT( '0x00000100' );
SELECT HEXTOINT( '0xffffffff80000001' );

The HEXTOINT function removes the 0x prefix, if present. If the data exceeds 8 digits, it must represent a value that can be represented as a signed 32-bit integer value.

The HEXTOINT function returns the platform-independent SQL INTEGER equivalent of the hexadecimal string. The hexadecimal value represents a negative integer if the 8th digit from the right is one of the digits 8-9 and the uppercase or lowercase letters A-F and the previous leading digits are all uppercase or lowercase letter F. The following is not a valid use of HEXTOINT since the argument represents a positive integer value that cannot be represented as a signed 32-bit integer:

SELECT HEXTOINT( '0x0080000001' );
See also
Standards and compatibility
  • SQL/2003   Vendor extension.


The following statement returns the value 420.