UltraLite data architecture

UltraLite is a mobile database with true platform independence. UltraLite is designed to create custom solutions for small-footprint devices such as cell phones, handheld computers, and embedded devices.

UltraLite is more than just a database, and provides you with a complete database management system:

  • Development layer   UltraLite supports various programming interfaces that keep you from getting locked into one deployment platform, development tool, or set of IT infrastructure products.

    For information about which API you should choose, see Choosing an UltraLite programming interface.

    To help you maintain your UltraLite project, UltraLite completes its development support with a comprehensive set of administration tools. You can run these tools either as command line utilities or as wizards in the UltraLite plug-in for Sybase Central.

  • Data management layer and synchronization client   You can connect to an UltraLite database, either with an in-process library called a runtime or a separate process called an engine. Both processes control connection and data access requests. They also include a built-in bi-directional synchronization client that links UltraLite databases with enterprise back-end systems.

    For information about which process you should choose, see Choosing an UltraLite data management component.

  • Data layer   This layer is the local data repository either stored as a file or a series of data records (for Palm OS). See UltraLite databases.

The data, management, and development layers are represented in the following figure.

UltraLite application architecture.