Viewing an UltraLite execution plan

As a development aid, you can use Interactive SQL to display an UltraLite plan that summarizes how a prepared statement is to be executed. The text plan is displayed in the Interactive SQL Plan Viewer.

In UltraLite, an execution plan is strictly a short textual summary of the plan. No other plan types are supported. However, being a short plan, it allows you to compare plans quickly, because information is summarized on a single line.

To view an execution plan in the Plan Viewer

  1. From the Tools, choose Plan Viewer.

    The Plan Viewer appears in a separate window.

  2. Type a query in the SQL pane.

  3. Click Get Plan to generate a plan for the specified SQL statements.

    The plan appears in the lower pane of the Plan Viewer.


Consider the following statement:

SELECT I.inv_no,, T.quantity, T.prod_no
FROM Invoice I, Transactions T
WHERE I.inv_no = T.inv_no;

This statement might produce the following plan:


The plan indicates that the join operation is accomplished by reading all rows from the Invoice table (following index named primary). It then uses the index named secondary from the Transactions table to read only the row whose inv_no column matches.

See also