UltraLite support for SQL passthrough

The SQL passthrough feature allows the publisher of the consolidated database to send SQL statement scripts to UltraLite for execution. SQL statement scripts can be executed automatically or manually by users with DBA authority.

SQL statement scripts are downloaded to UltraLite automatically during synchronization and stored in the syssql table. SQL statement scripts are not downloaded when a file-based download or a Ping is performed or when a download is restarted.

SQL statement scripts are run automatically the next time the database is started unless:

If the flags parameter is set to manual in the execution script you can use the following methods to manually apply scripts sent from the consolidated database:

During synchronization, UltraLite uploads the status of any scripts executed since the last synchronization. If UltraLite encounters a problem executing a script, no further scripts are executed until the consolidated database is notified and instructions for proceeding are sent. The status of executed scripts is stored in the ml_passthrough_status table in the consolidated database. You can review the table to determine the success of distributed passthrough scripts.

You can use an observer callback function to monitor the progress of automatically or manually executed scripts. See Callback function for ULRegisterSQLPassthroughCallback.

See also