Creating an UltraLite database from XML

You can use XML as an intermediate format for managing your UltraLite database, provided that the format follows the requirements for UltraLite usage. You can use XML as follows:

  • Load data into a new database with a different set of database properties/options.
  • Upgrade the schema from a database created by a previous version of UltraLite.
  • Create a text version of your UltraLite database that you can check into a version control system.

UltraLite cannot use an arbitrary XML file. The install-dir\UltraLite directory contains a usm.xsd file. Use this file to review the XML format.

To create an UltraLite database from an XML file

  1. Save the XML file to a directory of your choosing. You can either:

    • Export/unload a database to an XML file. If you are unloading a SQL Anywhere database, use any of the supported export methods. See Exporting relational data as XML.
    • Take XML output from another source—that source could be another relational database or even a web site where transactions are recorded to a file. You must always ensure that the format of the XML meets the UltraLite requirements.
  2. Run the ulload utility, including any necessary options.

    For example, to create a new UltraLite database in the file sample.udb from the table formats and data in sample.xml:

    ulload -c DBF=sample.udb sample.xml
See also