Introduction to UltraLite SQL statements

The SQL statements supported by UltraLite SQL are a subset of the statements supported by SQL Anywhere databases.

Before you begin
  • Tables in UltraLite do not support the concept of an owner. As a convenience for existing SQL and for SQL that is programmatically generated, UltraLite still allows the syntax owner.table-name. However, the owner is not checked because table owners are not supported in UltraLite.
  • UltraLite SQL statement documentation follows the same syntax conventions used by SQL Anywhere statements. Ensure you understand these conventions and how they are used to represent SQL syntax. See Syntax conventions.
  • Using UltraLite SQL creates a transaction. A transaction consists of all changes (INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs) since the last ROLLBACK or COMMIT. See UltraLite transaction processing.

    These changes can be made permanent by executing a COMMIT. A ROLLBACK statement causes the changes to be removed. See UltraLite COMMIT statement and UltraLite ROLLBACK statement.

  • If you are looking for statements used by Interactive SQL, see SQL statements. Statements used by Interactive SQL have [Interactive SQL] after the statement name. For example, CONFIGURE statement [Interactive SQL].

UltraLite statement categories