UltraLite DELETE statement

Use this statement to delete rows from a table in the database.

DELETE [ FROM ] table-name
[ WHERE search-condition ]

WHERE clause   If a WHERE clause is specified, only rows satisfying search-condition are deleted. See Search conditions in UltraLite.

The WHERE clause does not support non-deterministic functions (like RAND) or variables. Nor does this clause restrict columns; columns may need to reference another table when used in a subquery.


The way in which UltraLite traces row states is unique. Be sure you understand the implication of deletes and row states. See UltraLite row states.

See also

The following statement removes employee 105 from the Employees table.

FROM Employees
WHERE EmployeeID = 105;

The following statement removes all data prior to the year 2000 from the FinancialData table.

FROM FinancialData
WHERE Year < 2000;