Download Only synchronization parameter

Prevents changes from being uploaded from the UltraLite database during this synchronization.


The syntax varies depending on the API you use. You can also set this parameter with ulsync.



Allowed values


Conflicts with

Ping and Upload Only


When you have remotes that are synchronized by download-only synchronization, you should regularly do a full synchronization to reduce the amount of log that is scanned by the download-only synchronization. Otherwise, the download-only synchronizations will take an increasingly long time to complete.

For ulsync   When download-only synchronization occurs, ulsync does not upload any changes to the data. Instead, it:

  • Uploads information about the schema and the value stored in the progress counter.
  • Ensures that changes on the remote are not overwritten during download-only synchronization.

ulsync performs these actions by scanning the UltraLite database log to watch for rows with pending operations on the consolidated database. If ulsync detects a conflict, the download is rolled back and the synchronization fails. You must then do a full synchronization (that is an upload and a download) to correct this conflict.

See also

ulsync supports this parameter as an extended synchronization parameter:

ulsync -c DBF=myuldb.udb "MobiLinkUid=remoteA;ScriptVersion=2;DownloadOnly=ON;Stream=http"

UltraLite for C/C++ applications can set the parameter as follows:

ul_synch_info info;
// ...
info.download_only = ul_true;