UltraLite user authentication

You cannot disable UltraLite user authentication. A successful connection requires that a user be authenticated. Unlike SQL Anywhere, UltraLite database users are created and managed solely for the purposes of authentication—not for the purposes of object ownership. Once a user authenticates and connects to the database, the user has unrestricted access to everything in that database, including schema data.

You can only add or modify UltraLite users from an existing connection. Therefore, any changes to your UltraLite user base can only occur after you have connected with a valid user ID and password.

If this is your first time connecting, the UID and PWD required are the same values set when you first created the database. If you did not set an initial user, then you must authenticate with the defaults of UID=DBA and PWD=sql.

Bypassing authentication

While you may not be able to disable authentication, you can bypass it simply by using UltraLite defaults both when you create and connect to the database.

If you do not supply both the UID and the PWD parameters, UltraLite always assumes the defaults of UID=DBA and PWD=sql.

To bypass authentication in UltraLite

  1. Do not set the UID and PWD connection parameters when you create a database.

  2. Do not delete or modify the default user in your UltraLite database.

  3. Do not set the UID and PWD connection parameters when you connect to the database you have created.

See also

Interpreting user ID and password combinations