Message Agent batch and continuous modes

The Message Agent can be run in one of two modes:

  • Batch mode   In batch mode, the Message Agent starts, receives and sends all messages that can be received and sent, and then shuts down.

    Batch mode is useful at occasionally-connected remote sites, where messages can only be exchanged with the consolidated database when the connection is made: for example, when the remote site dials up to the main network.

  • Continuous mode   In continuous mode, the Message Agent periodically sends messages, at times specified in the properties of each remote user. When it is not sending messages, it receives messages as they arrive.

    Continuous mode is useful at consolidated sites, where messages may be coming in and going out at any time, to spread out the workload and to ensure prompt replication.

The options available depend on the send frequency options selected for the remote users. Sending frequency options are described in Selecting a send frequency.

To run the Message Agent in continuous mode

  1. Ensure that every user has a sending frequency specified. The sending frequency is specified by a SEND AT or SEND EVERY option in the GRANT REMOTE statement.

  2. Start the Message Agent without using the -b option.

To run the Message Agent in batch mode

  • Either:

    • Have at least one remote user who has neither a SEND AT nor a SEND EVERY option in their remote properties, or
    • Start the Message Agent using the -b option.