Getting started

Most of the tutorials throughout the documentation use the SQL Anywhere 11 sample database (demo.db) or the CustDB sample database application (custdb.db).

For information about demo.db, see SQL Anywhere sample database.

For information about custdb.db, see:

List of getting started

The following is a list of introductory materials and tutorials for the database and data exchange technologies.

  • SQL Anywhere Server   Getting started with SQL Anywhere Server

    This section walks you through several tutorials related to connecting to, and administering, SQL Anywhere Server databases.

  • UltraLite   Exploring the CustDB samples for UltraLite

    This chapter uses the UltraLite sample database (custdb.db) to demonstrate:

    • Logging in and populating an UltraLite remote database
    • Using a client application
    • Synchronizing an UltraLite database with a consolidated database
    • Browsing MobiLink synchronization scripts

  • MobiLink   MobiLink - Getting Started

    This book introduces MobiLink and contains numerous tutorials to guide you through the process of setting up a synchronization system that uses SQL Anywhere databases.

  • QAnywhere   QAnywhere Quick start to QAnywhere

    This chapter provides an overview of the tasks required to set up and run QAnywhere messaging.

  • SQL Remote   Introducing SQL Remote

    This chapter introduces SQL Remote and describes how to set up a simple SQL Remote replication system using Sybase Central.

Other applications

SQL Anywhere also includes the following applications to create physical data models, reports, and applications:

  • PowerDesigner Physical Data Model    About PowerDesigner Physical Data Model

    You can use PowerDesigner Physical Data Model to create physical data models of a database and then convert them into SQL Anywhere databases.

  • InfoMaker   About InfoMaker

    You can use InfoMaker to create reports quickly.

  • DataWindow .NET   About DataWindow .NET

    You can use DataWindow .NET to develop applications.