About the CustDB sample database

The CustDB sample application is a useful tool for learning how to develop UltraLite and MobiLink applications. The sample database is a sales status database for a hardware supplier. It holds customer, product, and sales force information for the supplier.

There are two parts to the CustDB sample application:

  • UltraLite   For UltraLite, CustDB can be deployed on any device supported by UltraLite using any platform supported by UltraLite. You can see all the source code used to create the CustDB UltraLite application as well as run the sample. The CustDB sample application is set up for MobiLink synchronization.

    You can find the UltraLite CustDB sample application in samples-dir\UltraLite\CustDB\.

    For information about the default location of samples-dir, see Samples directory.

    See Exploring the CustDB samples for UltraLite.

  • MobiLink   If you are interested in exploring MobiLink features, there is a CustDB consolidated database that contains sample synchronization logic. You can use this consolidated database with the CustDB UltraLite sample remote database to run the sample synchronization system.

    The MobiLink consolidated CustDB database is created by running script files against a supported relational database (SQL Anywhere, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or DB2). These setup files are located in samples-dir\MobiLink\CustDB\.

    The CustDB consolidated database uses the following ODBC data source: SQL Anywhere 11 CustDB.

    See Exploring the CustDB sample for MobiLink.

The following diagram shows the tables in the CustDB database and how they are related to each other.

The UltraLite sample database, including tables, column names, primary keys, and foreign key relationships.