SQL preprocessor error messages sorted by error code

Error code Message text
2601 Subscript value %1 too large
2602 Combined pointer and arrays not supported for hosttypes
2603 Only one-dimensional arrays supported for CHAR type
2604 VARCHAR type must have a length
2605 Arrays of VARCHAR not supported
2606 VARCHAR host variables cannot be pointers
2607 Initializer not allowed on VARCHAR host variable
2608 FIXCHAR type must have a length
2609 Arrays of FIXCHAR not supported
2610 Arrays of this type not supported
2611 Precision must be specified for DECIMAL type
2612 Arrays of DECIMAL not allowed
2613 Unknown host variable type
2614 Invalid integer
2615 '%1' host variable must be a C string type
2617 '%1' symbol already defined
2618 Invalid type for SQL statement variable
2619 Cannot find include file '%1'
2620 Host variable '%1' is unknown
2621 Indicator variable '%1' is unknown
2622 Invalid type for indicator variable '%1'
2623 Invalid host variable type on '%1'
2625 Host variable '%1' has two different definitions
2626 Statement '%1' not previously prepared
2627 Cursor '%1' not previously declared
2628 Unknown statement '%1'
2629 Host variables not allowed for this cursor
2630 Host variables specified twice - on DECLARE and OPEN
2631 Must specify a host list or using clause on %1
2633 No INTO clause on SELECT statement
2636 Incorrect Embedded SQL syntax
2637 Missing ending quote of string literal
2639 Token too long
2640 '%1' host variable must be an integer type
2642 Two SQLDAs specified of the same type (INTO or USING)
2646 Cannot describe static cursors
2647 Macros cannot be redefined
2648 Invalid array dimension
2649 Invalid descriptor index
2650 Invalid field for SET DESCRIPTOR
2651 Field used more than once in SET DESCRIPTOR statement
2652 Data value must be a host variable
2660 INTO clause not allowed on DECLARE cursor - ignored
2661 Unrecognized SQL syntax
2662 Unknown SQL function '%1'
2663 Wrong number of arguments to SQL function '%1'
2664 Static statement names will not work properly if used by 2 threads
2665 Host variable '%1' has been redefined
2666 Disallowed language extension detected in syntax
2667 Language extension detected in syntax
2680 No DECLARE SECTION and no INCLUDE SQLCA statement
2681 Unable to open temporary file
2682 Error reading temporary file
2683 Error writing output file
2690 Inconsistent number of host variables for this cursor
2691 Inconsistent host variable types for this cursor
2692 Inconsistent indicator variables for this cursor
2694 No OPEN for cursor '%1'
2695 No FETCH or PUT for cursor '%1'
2696 Host variable '%1' is in use more than once with different indicators
2697 LONG BINARY/LONG VARCHAR size limit is 65535 for UltraLite
2698 WCHAR and TCHAR host variable types are not supported
2699 char, WCHAR, and TCHAR string parameters cannot be mixed