SQL Anywhere error messages sorted by message text (D-K)

Data definition statements not allowed in procedures or triggers
Database '%1' cannot be started on this platform. See http://ianywhere.com/developer/product_manuals/sqlanywhere/notes/en/endian_cant_change_platform.html
Database '%1' cannot be started on this platform. See http://ianywhere.com/developer/product_manuals/sqlanywhere/notes/en/endian_corruption_warning.html
Database \"%1\" needs recovery
Database backup not started
Database cannot be started -- %1
Database creation failed: %1
Database is active
Database name not unique
Database name required to start server
Database option '%1' for user '%2' has an invalid setting
Database page size too big: %1
Database page size too small: %1
Database page validation failed with code: %1
Database server already running
Database server cannot convert data from/to character set '%1'
Database server cannot convert data from/to character set '%1', conversion may not be correct
Database server connection limit exceeded
Database server not found
Database server not running in multi-user mode
Database upgrade failed
Database upgrade not possible
Database upgrade not possible; RowGenerator table not owned by user dbo
Database upgrade not possible; user tables have table ids in system table range
db_init has not been called or the call to db_init failed
dbicu libraries are required but not installed
Dbspace '%1' not found
Dbspace for table '%1' not found
Deadlock detected
Decompression error: %1
Decryption error: %1
Default dbspace '%1' not found
Definition for alias '%1' must appear before its first reference
Derived table '%1' has no name for column %2
Directory for output file does not exist
Disallowed language extension detected in syntax near '%1' on line %2
Disk full '%1' -- transaction rolled back
Disk write failure '%1' -- transaction rolled back
Division by zero
Download failed because of conflicts with existing rows
DTC transactions are not supported on this platform
Duplicate attribute '%1' in service
Duplicate insert column
Duplicate key column (%1)
Duplicate options not allowed in the CREATE DATABASE statement
Duplicate referencing column
Dynamic memory exhausted
Encryption error: %1
Encryption has not been enabled
Encryption has not been enabled
Error creating text index \"%1\" on table \"%2\
Error during backup: %1
Error in assignment
Error number %1 for RAISERROR must not be less than 17000
Error opening cursor
Error parsing connection parameter string
Error writing to transaction log file
Escape character conflict '%1'
Event '%1' already exists
Event '%1' in use
Event '%1' not found
Event notification queue '%1' is full, notification discarded
Event notification queue '%1' not found
Event notification queue '%1' not found warning
Event notifications lost on queue '%1'
Event object name '%1' is not valid
Event object named '%1' already exists
Event parameter '%1' not found
Exceeded maximum of '%1' allowable parameters
Exception occurred while loading Java SecurityManager
Expression has unsupported data type
External environment '%1' could not be found
External environment could not be started, '%1' could not be found
External environment does not support result sets
External environments are not supported for this database
External library '%1' is in use
External library '%1' not loaded
External login for server '%1' could not be found
External object '%1' not found
Failed to convert from character set '%1' to '%2'
Feature '%1' not implemented
Feature not available with UltraLite
Feature not supported by the client version or the client interface
Field '%1' of class '%2' cannot be NULL
File I/O failed for '%1'
File system error: %1
FOR UPDATE has been incorrectly specified for a READ ONLY cursor
Foreign key '%1' for table '%2' duplicates an existing foreign key
Foreign key columns do not match the primary key or a uniqueness constraint in \"%1\
Foreign key name '%1' not found
Format string argument number %1 is invalid
Frame not allowed for window '%1'
Function '%1' has invalid parameter '%2' ('%3')
Function or column reference to '%1' in the ORDER BY clause is invalid
Function or column reference to '%1' must also appear in a GROUP BY
GRANT of column permission on view not allowed
Grouped query contains more than one distinct aggregate function
Host variable reference in service definition must be named
Host variables must not be used within a batch
HTTP request failed. Status code '%1'
I/O error %1 -- transaction rolled back
Identifier '%1' too long
Identity attribute mismatch for column '%1'
Illegal column definition: %1
Illegal column name: '%1'
Illegal cursor operation attempt
Illegal flags value passed to OPENXML
Illegal FOR XML EXPLICIT tag value: '%1'
Illegal ORDER BY in aggregate function
Illegal reference to correlation name '%1'
Illegal user selectivity estimate specified
Immediate materialized view definition cannot contain a SUM function over a nullable expression
Incomplete transactions prevent transaction log renaming
Incorrect database store DLL (%1) version
Incorrect or missing encryption key
Incorrect volume ID for '%1'
Index '%1' can not be clustered
Index '%1' for table '%2' would not be unique
Index '%1' has no columns
Index name '%1' is ambiguous
Index name '%1' not unique
Index type specification of '%1' is invalid
Index validation failed for table %1, index %2 with code: %3
Information for synchronization is incomplete or invalid, check '%1'
Information for synchronization was not provided
Input parameter index out of range
Input string is not base64-encoded
INSERT ... ON EXISTING UPDATE not allowed: immediate materialized view %1 depends on %2
INSERT/DELETE on cursor can modify only one table
Insufficient cache to start Java Virtual Machine
Insufficient memory for OPENXML query
Integrated login failed
Integrated logins are not permitted
Integrated logins are not supported for this database
Integrated logins are required, standard logins are not permitted
Internal database error %1 -- transaction rolled back
Internal rollback log corrupted
Invalid absolute or relative offset in FETCH
Invalid backup operation
Invalid backup parameter value
Invalid class byte code
Invalid collation: \"%1\"
Invalid column number
Invalid commit action for shared temporary table
Invalid comparison
Invalid data conversion
Invalid data conversion: NULL was inserted for column '%1' on row %2
Invalid data type for column in WRITETEXT or READTEXT
Invalid database page size
Invalid database server command line
Invalid day of week or month '%1' for event '%2'
Invalid descriptor index
Invalid domain '%1'
Invalid escape character '%1'
Invalid escape sequence '%1'
Invalid expression in WHERE clause of Transact-SQL outer join
Invalid expression near '%1'
Invalid hint specified for table '%1'
Invalid host variable
Invalid IQ database command line option or parameter value: %1
Invalid JAR file
Invalid JDBC resultset concurrency
Invalid JDBC resultset type
Invalid join type used with Transact-SQL outer join
Invalid local database option
Invalid mime type '%1'
Invalid operation on a closed '%1'
Invalid operation on a closed '%1'
Invalid operation on a closed object
Invalid option '%1' -- no PUBLIC setting exists
Invalid ORDER BY specification
Invalid parameter
Invalid password: %1
Invalid preceding or following size in OLAP function
Invalid prepared statement type
Invalid procedure subtype '%1' for type '%2'
Invalid procedure type '%1'
Invalid recursive query
Invalid reference to or operation on constraint '%1'
Invalid REFERENCES clause in trigger definition
Invalid regular expression: %1 in '%2'
Invalid request log format on line %1
Invalid response from the HTTP server
Invalid scroll position '%1'
Invalid service name '%1'
Invalid setting for HTTP header '%1'
Invalid setting for HTTP option '%1'
Invalid setting for option '%1'
Invalid setting for SOAP header '%1'
Invalid SQL descriptor name
Invalid SQL identifier
Invalid sqllen field in SQLDA
Invalid start date/time for event '%1'
Invalid statement
Invalid TEXTPTR value used with WRITETEXT or READTEXT
Invalid time '%1' for event '%2'
Invalid trigger type for view '%1'
Invalid type for field reference
Invalid type on DESCRIBE statement
Invalid use of an aggregate function
Invalid use of escape character '%1'
Invalid use of NEAR operator in text query
Invalid user ID or password
Invalid user ID or password on preprocessed module
Invalid value for attribute '%1' in service
Invalid XQuery constructor
Item '%1' already exists
JAR '%1' not found
Java SecurityManager class not found: %1
Java VM heap exhausted at internal function: %1
jConnect does not support encryption
JDBC feature '%1' not supported
JDBC SAStatement batch execute abandoned
JDK '%1' is not a supported JDK
Kerberos login failed
Kerberos logins are not supported
Key constraint between temporary tables requires a primary key (not unique constraint)