Behavior changes and deprecated features

Following is a list of changes to Sybase Central and Interactive SQL introduced in version 10.0.0.

  • Interactive SQL no longer sets the quoted_identifier option to On   In previous versions of the software, Interactive SQL set the quoted_identifier option to On. It now uses the database's setting for this option (by default, this option is set to On). See quoted_identifier option [compatibility].

  • isql_plan option no longer supports the NONE parameter   The NONE parameter is no longer supported by the isql_plan option.

  • Interactive SQL can return unlimited result sets   In previous versions of the software, if you executed a query that returned multiple result sets, Interactive SQL only displayed a maximum of 10 result sets. Now Interactive SQL displays all result sets returned by the query. See isql_show_multiple_result_sets [Interactive SQL].

  • Interactive -f option behavior change   When starting Interactive SQL with the -f option, a connection is not made to a database automatically. Previously, a connection was opened automatically.

  • Accessing and saving graphical plans in Interactive SQL  

    • Two new menu choices, Open Plan and Save Plan, are available from the File menu in Interactive SQL for opening and saving graphical plans (previously this was done using the same Open and Save menu items as you used for opening and saving the SQL statements.
    • Previously, graphical plans were saved with an .xml file extension. Now, they are saved with the extension .saplan. However, the previous .xml file extension is still supported for displaying graphical plans that were stored with that extension.
    • In the Options window, you can now make Interactive SQL the default editor for both .sql and .saplan (graphical plan) files.

  • SET OPTION statement PUBLIC keyword deprecated   The PUBLIC keyword is deprecated for setting Interactive SQL options using the SET OPTION statement. See Interactive SQL options.

  • EXIT statement now closes the current Interactive SQL window   In previous releases, executing an EXIT statement from Interactive SQL closed all the Interactive SQL windows. Now, only window where the statement is executed is closed. See EXIT statement [Interactive SQL].

  • New error code for SQLE_ENGINE_NOT_MULTIUSER   Applications that were programmed to handle SQLE_ENGINE_NOT_MULTIUSER now need to check for a new error code. Previously, if an application attempted a write operation on the database while another thread was sending an upload to MobiLink, the runtime would return SQLE_ENGINE_NOT_MULTIUSER. Now the runtime will return a new, more accurate error code: SQLE_ULTRALITE_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED. See ULSQLCode enumeration.

  • Sybase Central plug-in Utilities tabs removed   The Utilities tabs in the SQL Anywhere, MobiLink, and UltraLite plug-ins have been replaced with a Tools button. You can also access utilities from the Sybase Central Tools menu.

Deprecated and discontinued features
  • jConnect no longer supported for connecting to Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, or the SQL Anywhere Console   Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, and the SQL Anywhere Console utility (dbconsole) no longer support connections to SQL Anywhere databases using jConnect. You can still use the iAnywhere JDBC driver to connect to databases from these applications. As a result of this change, the following features have been removed:

    • The -jconnect and -odbc options for the Interactive SQL utility (dbisql) have been removed.
    • The -jconnect and -odbc options for the SQL Anywhere Console utility (dbconsole) have been removed.
    • The Connect window used for connecting to Interactive SQL, the SQL Anywhere Console, and the SQL Anywhere and MobiLink plug-ins in Sybase Central no longer allows you to specify whether jConnect or the iAnywhere JDBC driver is used. The iAnywhere JDBC driver is used for all connections.

  • UltraLite plan now appears on the Plan tab in Interactive SQL   In previous releases, the Interactive SQL Results pane had an UltraLite Plan tab that displayed the UltraLite plan optimization strategy. The UltraLite Plan tab has been removed, so now when you are connected to an UltraLite database from Interactive SQL, the plan appears on the Plan tab.

  • Sybase Central SQL Anywhere plug-in no longer supports version 7 databases   Support for version 7 database servers and databases created with version 7 software has been removed from the SQL Anywhere plug-in. You can still connect to a database created with version 5, 6, or 7 software running on a version 8 or later database server for the purposes of unloading and reloading the database into a reload file, or into a new or existing database. See Rebuilding version 9 and earlier databases for version 11.0.0.

  • isql_log option deprecated   The isql_log option for logging statements executed during an Interactive SQL session is deprecated. Use the START LOGGING and STOP LOGGING statements instead. See Logging commands.

  • Sybase Central file name changes   In addition to file changes mentioned for Sybase Central, the following files have been added:

    New name Old name
    asaplugin.jar saplugin.jar

    The registry key has also changed to reflect the new version of Sybase Central, and is now:

    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sybase\Sybase Central\5.0 (registry entries)