QAnywhere manager configuration properties

You can set QAnywhere manager configuration properties in one of the following ways:

Following are the QAnywhere manager configuration properties:

  • COMPRESSION_LEVEL=n   Set the compression level.

    n is the compression factor, which is expressed as is an integer between 0 and 9, where 0 indicates no compression and 9 indicates maximum compression.

  • CONNECT_PARAMS=connect-string   Specify a connection string for the QAnywhere manager to use to connect to the message store database. Specify each connection option in the form keyword=value with multiple options separated by semi-colons.

    The default is "eng=qanywhere;uid=ml_qa_user;pwd=qanywhere"

    For a list of options, see Connection parameters.

    For information about managing the database user and password, see Writing secure messaging applications.

  • DATABASE_TYPE=string   Specify the type of database the QAnywhere manager is connected to. Use sqlanywhere for a SQL database, or ultralite for an UltraLite database. By default, the manager uses sqlanywhere.

  • LOG_FILE=filename   Specify the name of a file to use to write logging messages. Specifying this option implicitly enables logging.

  • MAX_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGE_SIZE=n   When reading a message, n is the largest message, in bytes, for which a buffer is allocated. A message larger than n bytes must be read using streaming operations. The default value is 1MB on Windows and 64KB on Windows Mobile.

Setting QAnywhere manager configuration properties in a file
Setting QAnywhere manager configuration properties programmatically