-v option

Allows you to specify what information is logged to the message log file and displayed in the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent console.

qauagent -v levels ...

Minimal verbosity


The -v option affects the log files and console. You only have a message log if you specify -o or -ot on the qauagent command line.

A high level of verbosity may affect performance and should normally be used in the development phase only.

If you specify -v alone, a minimal amount of information is logged.

The values of levels are as follows. You can use one or more of these options at once; for example, -vlm.

  • +   Turn on all logging options.

  • l   Show all MobiLink Listener logging. This causes the MobiLink Listener (dblsn) to start with verbosity level -v3. See the -v option in the Listener syntax.

  • m   Show all synchronization logging.

  • n   Show all network status change notifications. the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent receives these notifications from the Listener utility.

  • p   Show all message push notifications. The QAnywhere UltraLite Agent receives these notifications from the Listener utility via the MobiLink server, which includes a MobiLink Notifier.

  • q   Show the SQL that is used to represent the transmission rules.

  • s   Show all the message synchronizations that are initialized by QAnywhere UltraLite Agent.

See also