Web service connector properties

Use web service connector properties to specify connection information with the web service. You can set these properties in the Sybase Central Connector Wizard.

See Web service connectors.

You can view web service connector properties in the Sybase Central Connector Properties window, or in the ml_qa_global_props MobiLink system table.

To open the Connector Properties window, right-click the connector in Sybase Central and choose Properties.

To view web service properties

  1. Open Sybase Central and connect to your server message store.

  2. Under Server Message Stores in the left pane, select the name of your data source.

  3. In the right pane, select the Connectors tab, and then select the name of the web service connector.

  4. Choose File » Properties

For more information about the ml_qa_global_props MobiLink system table, see ml_qa_global_props.

Web service connector properties
  • ianywhere.connector.nativeConnection   The Java class that implements the connector. It is for QAnywhere internal use only, and should not be deleted or modified.

  • ianywhere.connector.id (deprecated)   An identifier that uniquely identifies the connector. The default is ianywhere.connector.address.

  • ianywhere.connector.address   The connector address that a QAnywhere client should use to address the connector. This address is also used to prefix all logged error, warning, and informational messages appearing in the MobiLink messages window for this connector.

    In Sybase Central, you set this property in the Connector Wizard, Connector Name page, Connector Name field.

  • ianywhere.connector.compressionLevel   The default compression factor of messages received from the web service. Compression is an integer between 0 and 9, with 0 indicating no compression and 9 indicating maximum compression.

    In Sybase Central, you set this property on the Connector Properties window, on the General tab, in the Compression Level section.

  • ianywhere.connector.logLevel   The amount of connector information displayed in the MobiLink messages window and the MobiLink server message log file. Values for the log level are as follows:

    • 1   Log error messages.

    • 2   Log error and warning messages.

    • 3   Log error, warning, and information messages.

    • 4   Log error, warning, information, and debug messages.

    In Sybase Central, you set this property on the Connector Properties window, on the General tab, in the Logging Level section.

  • ianywhere.connector.outgoing.retry.max   The default number of retries for messages going from QAnywhere to the external messaging system. The default value is 5. Specify 0 to have the connector retry forever.

    In Sybase Central, you can set this property in the Connector Properties window under the Properties tab by clicking New.

  • ianywhere.connector.startupType   Startup types can be automatic, manual, or disabled.

  • webservice.http.authName   If the web service requires HTTP authentication, use this property to specify the user name.

  • webservice.http.password.e   If the web service requires HTTP authentication, use this property to specify the password.

  • webservice.http.proxy.authName   If the proxy requires authentication, use this property to set the proxy user name. If you specify this property, you must also specify the webservice.http.proxy.password.e property.

  • webservice.http.proxy.host   If the web service must be accessed through an HTTP proxy, use this property to specify the host name. If you specify this property, you must specify the webservice.http.proxy.port property.

  • webservice.http.proxy.password.e   If the proxy requires authentication, use this property to set the proxy password. If you specify this property, you must also specify the webservice.http.proxy.authName property.

  • webservice.http.proxy.port   The port to connect to on the proxy server. If you specify this property, you must specify the webservice.http.proxy.host property.