Addressing JMS messages meant for QAnywhere

A JMS client can send a message to a QAnywhere client by setting the JMS message property ias_ToAddress to the QAnywhere address, and then sending the message to the JMS Destination corresponding to the connector property xjms.receiveDestination.

See QAnywhere message addresses.


For example, to send a message to the QAnywhere address "qaddr" (where the connector setting of xjms.receiveDestination is "qanywhere_receive"):

import javax.jms.*; ... try { QueueSession
session; QueueSender sender; TextMessage mgr; Queue connectorQueue; //
Initialize the session. ... connectorQueue = session.createQueue(
"qanywhere_receive" ); sender = session.createSender( connectorQueue ); msg =
session.createTextMessage(); msg.setStringProperty( "ias_ToAddress", "qaddr" );
// Set the message content. ... sender.send( msg ); } catch( JMSException e ) {
// Handle the exception ... }

Mapping JMS messages on to QAnywhere messages
JMS properties