Configuring the Listener

The Listener runs on the same device as the client message store. The Listener receives push notifications from the server and passes them on to the QAnywhere Agent.

The Listener is preconfigured to work with QAnywhere. In some rare circumstances, you may want to change the default behavior.

For example, if you change the gateway used by QAnywhere to be an SMS gateway, you need to manually start the Listener with different options. Assume that your QAnywhere message store ID is mystore, your MobiLink host is, and you want to start the Listener with the SMS library maac555.dll for listening for SMS messages on an AirCard 555. You would then need to start the Listener with the following command:

dblsn.exe -u ias_mystore_lsn -e mystore -t+ mystore 
  -x "tcpip(" -pc- -d lsn_udp.dll -a "port=5001" -d maac555.dll 
  -i 60

For the QAnywhere Agent to find the Listener you just started, you would also need to restart the QAnywhere Agent as follows:

qaagent -c "dbf=mystore.db;eng=mystore;dbn=mystore" -id mystore 
  -lp 5001-x tcpip(
See also