Specifying server transmission rules with a transmission rules file (deprecated)

You can create a server transmission rules file and specify it with the ianywhere.qa.server.transmissionRulesFile property in your QAnywhere messaging properties file.

For more information about the messaging properties file, see -m option.

To specify transmission rules for a particular client, precede a section of rules with the client message store ID in square brackets.

Default server transmission rules can be created that apply to all users.

To specify default transmission rules, start a section with the following line:


For new transmission rules to take effect, you must restart the MobiLink server. This only applies to transmission rules specified in a transmission rules file. Server transmission rules specified using Sybase Central or a server management request take effect immediately.

For information about server delete rules, see Server delete rules.


The following section of a server transmission rules file creates the default rule that only high priority messages should be sent:

auto = ias_Priority > 6

In the following sample server transmission rules file, the rules apply only to the client identified by the client message store ID sample_store_id.

; This rule governs when messages are transmitted to the client
; store with id sample_store_id.
;    ias_Priority >= 7
; Messages with priority 7 or greater should always be 
; transmitted.
;    ias_ContentSize < 100
; Small messages (messages less than 100 characters or
; bytes in size) should always be transmitted.
;    ias_CurrentTime < '8:00am' OR ias_CurrentTime > '6:00pm'
; Outside of business hours messages should always be 
; transmitted

auto = ias_Priority >= 7 OR ias_ContentSize < 100 \
    OR ias_CurrentTime < datetime('8:00:00') \
    OR ias_CurrentTime > datetime('18:00:00')

In the following example, the rules apply only to the client identified by the client message store ID qanywhere.

; This rule governs when messages are transmitted to the client
; store with id qanywhere.
;    tm_Subject not like '%non-business%'
; Messages with the property tm_Subject set to a value that
; includes the phrase 'non-business' should not be transmitted
;    ias_CurrentTime < '8:00:00' OR ias_CurrentTime > '18:00:00'
; Outside of business hours, messages should always be
; transmitted

auto = tm_Subject NOT LIKE '%non-business%' \
    OR ias_CurrentTime < datetime('8:00am') OR ias_CurrentTime > datetime('6:00pm')