Specifying transmission rules with a server management request

With a server management request, you can specify default server transmission rules that apply to all users, or you can specify transmission rules for each client.

To specify default transmission rules (for a server), set the ianywhere.qa.server.rules property for the client ianywhere.server.defaultClient. For a client, use the ianywhere.qa.server.rules property to specify server transmission rules.

For an overview of how to use server management requests, including how to authenticate and schedule them, see Introduction to server management requests.


The following example creates the default rule that only high priority messages (priority greater than 6) should be sent:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <value>auto = ias_Priority &gt; 6</value>

The following example creates a rule for a client called defaultClient that only messages with a content size less than 100 should be transmitted during business hours (8 a.m. and 6 p.m.):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <value>auto = ias_ContentSize &lt; 100 
        or ias_CurrentTime &gt; '8:00:00' 
        or ias_CurrentTime &lt; '18:00:00'</value>