Message properties

Each message contains a built-in facility for supporting application-defined property values. These message properties allow you to implement application-defined message filtering.

Message properties are name-value pairs that you can optionally insert into messages to provide structure. For example, in the .NET API the pre-defined message property ias_Originator, identified by the constant MessageProperties.ORIGINATOR, provides the message store ID that sent the message. Message properties can be used in transmission rules to determine the suitability of a message for transmission.

There are two types of message property:

  • Pre-defined message properties   These message properties are always prefixed with ias_ or IAS_. See Pre-defined message properties.

  • Custom message properties   These are message properties that you defined. You cannot prefix them with ias_ or IAS_. See Custom message properties.

In either case, you access message store properties using get and set methods and pass the name of the pre-defined or custom property as the first parameter. See Managing message properties.

Pre-defined message properties

Some message properties have been pre-defined for your convenience. Pre-defined properties can be read but should not be set. The predefined message properties are:

For detailed information about message properties, see Message properties.