Class WSResult


This class represents the results of a web service request.

  • It is passed to the WSListener.onResult.
  • It is returned by an asyncXYZ method of the service proxy generated by the compiler.
  • It is obtained by calling WSBase.getResult with a specific request ID.

A WSResult object is obtained in one of three ways:


All members of, including all inherited members.

acknowledge method
getArrayValue method
getBigDecimalArrayValue method
getBigDecimalValue method
getBigIntegerArrayValue method
getBigIntegerValue method
getBooleanArrayValue method
getBooleanValue method
getByteArrayValue method
getByteValue method
getCharacterArrayValue method
getCharacterValue method
getDoubleArrayValue method
getDoubleValue method
getErrorMessage method
getFloatArrayValue method
getFloatValue method
getIntegerArrayValue method
getIntegerValue method
getLongArrayValue method
getLongValue method
getObjectArrayValue method
getObjectValue method
getPrimitiveBooleanArrayValue method
getPrimitiveBooleanValue method
getPrimitiveByteArrayValue method
getPrimitiveByteValue method
getPrimitiveCharArrayValue method
getPrimitiveCharValue method
getPrimitiveDoubleArrayValue method
getPrimitiveDoubleValue method
getPrimitiveFloatArrayValue method
getPrimitiveFloatValue method
getPrimitiveIntArrayValue method
getPrimitiveIntValue method
getPrimitiveLongArrayValue method
getPrimitiveLongValue method
getPrimitiveShortArrayValue method
getPrimitiveShortValue method
getRequestID method
getShortArrayValue method
getShortValue method
getStatus method
getStringArrayValue method
getStringValue method
getValue method