Writing server management requests

Server management requests contain content that is formatted as XML.


You cannot use symbols such as > or < in the content of server management requests. Instead, use &gt; and &lt;.

Each type of server management request includes it own XML tags. For example, to close a connector you use the <CloseConnector> tag.

Each server management request starts with an <actions> tag.

actionsResponseId Tag

Use the actionsResponseId tag as a subtag to the <actions> tag to track and report the progress of the operations in the <action> tag. A report is created by the server when the <action> tag is processed.

The report contains the id of the <actionsResponseId> tag and the error messages generated by the request. Once the report is created, it is sent to the reply address of the server management request.

Following is an example of a server management request using the actionsResponseId tag,

<?xml version="1.0" encountered="UTF-8"?>

Following is an example of an actionsResponseId report where the myActionId request did not generate errors.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Archive message store requests
Creating destination aliases