MessageDetailsReport tag

Each Message Details Report is an XML message containing the <MessageDetailsReport> tag, and is composed of a report header followed by optional <message> tags. The header of each report consists of the following tags:

<MessageDetailsReport> subtags



The body of the report consists of a list of <message> tags whose subtags display the specific details of each message that satisfied the selection criteria. If no messages were selected, or no detail elements were specified in the original request, then no <message> tags are included in the report. Otherwise, each message has its own <message> tag.


The number of messages that satisfy the selection criteria of the request.


The ID of the request that generated the report.


A brief description of the reason why this report was generated.


The time and date that this report was generated.

Message tag
<message> subtags Description
<address> The address of the message. For example, myclient\myqueue.
<contentSize> The size of the message content. If the message is a text message, this is the number of characters. If the message is binary, this is the number of bytes.
<expires> The date and time when the message expires if it is not delivered.
<kind> Indicates whether the message is binary (1) or text (2).
<messageId> The message ID of the new message. See Message headers.
<originator> The message store ID of the originator of the message.
<priority> The priority of message: an integer between 0 and 9, where 0 indicates lowest priority and 9 indicates highest priority.
<property> Properties of the message. See Message properties.
<status> The current status of the message. The status codes are defined in Pre-defined message properties.
<statusTime> The time at which the message became its current status. This is the local time.

The synchronization status of the message. This value can be one of:

  • 0 - The message has not been transmitted to its intended recipient message store.
  • 1 - The message has been transmitted to its intended recipient message store.
  • 2 - The recipient and originating message stores are the same so no transmission is necessary.
  • 3 - The message has been transmitted to its intended recipient, but that transmission has yet to be confirmed. There is a possibility that the message transmission was interrupted, and that QAnywhere may transmit the message again.

Following is an example of a message details report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <UTCDatetime>Mon Jan 16 15:03:04 EST 2006</UTCDatetime>
 <statusDescription>Scheduled report</statusDescription>

The following condition selects messages following the search criteria: (msgId=ID:144... OR msgId=ID225... ) AND (status=pending) AND (kind=textmessage) AND (contains the property 'myProp' with value 'myVal' )


A one-time request is a request that has omitted the <schedule> tag. These requests are used to generate a single report and are deleted as soon as the report has been sent. This request generates a single report that displays the message id, status, and target address of all messages with priority 9 currently on the server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The following sample message details request generates a report that includes the message ID and message status.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- ... -->
    <messageId />
    <status />