Message details requests

To write a server management request for message details, use the <MessageDetailsRequest> tag.

A message details request contains one or more <request> tags containing all the necessary information to register the request. Specifying more than one <request> tag is equivalent to sending multiple separate message details requests.

Use the optional <replyAddr> tag to specify the return address for each report generated as a result of the request. If this tag is omitted, the default return address of reports is the reply address of the originating message.

Use a <requestId> tag to specify a unique identifier for the request that is included in each report generated as a result of this request. Using different values for this field allows more than one request to be active at the same time. Using the same request ID allows the client to override or delete active requests.

Specify a <condition> tag to determine which messages should be included in the report. See Condition tag.

You can also specify a list of details to determine what details of each message should be included in the report. You do this by including a set of empty detail element tags in the request.

You can use the <persistent> tag to specify that event details should be made persistent during any server downtime. This tag does not require any data and can be of the form <persistent/> or <persistent></persistent>.

You can use <schedule> to include all the necessary details needed to register a scheduled report. See Server management request parent tags.

<MessageDetailsRequest> subtags


<request> Groups information about a particular request. Specifying more than one <request> tag is equivalent to sending multiple separate server management requests for message information. See below.
Request tag

<Request> subtags


<address> Displays the address of each message.

Groups conditions for including a message in the report. See Condition tag.

<contentSize> Requests the content size of each message.

Requests the expiration time of each message.


Requests whether the message is text or binary.


Requests the message ID of each message.


Requests the originator of each message.


Including this tag indicates that the results of the request should be made persistent in the server database (so that the report is sent even if the server is restarted).


Requests the priority of each message.


Requests a list of all message properties and values for each message.


Requests the status time of each message.

<replyAddr> Specifies the return address for each report generated as a result of this request. If this tag is omitted, the default return address of reports is the reply address of the originating message.

This value is a unique identifier for the request and is included in each report generated as a result of this request. Using different values for this field allows more than one request to be active at the same time. Using the same request id allows the client to override or delete active requests.


Including this tag indicates that the report should be generated on a schedule. Subtags of <schedule> identify the schedule on which the report runs. See Server management request parent tags.


Requests the status of each message.

<transmissionStatus> Requests the transmission status of each message.