qaagent utility

Use the QAnywhere Agent (qaagent) to send and receive messages for all QAnywhere applications on a single client device. This utility should only be used when the client message store is a SQL Anywhere database.

External utilities, such as dbmlsync, that are used to synchronize message stores are not supported on QAnywhere.

qaagent [ option ... ]
Option Description
@data Reads options from the specified environment variable or configuration file. See @data option.
-c connection-string Specifies a connection string to the client message store. See -c option.
-fd seconds Specifies the delay time between retry attempts to the primary server. See -fd option.
-fr number-of-retries Specifies the number of retries to connect to the primary server after a connection failure. See -fr option.
-id id Specifies the ID of the client message store that the QAnywhere Agent is to connect to. See -id option.
-idl download-size Specifies the maximum size of a download to use during a message transmission. See -idl option.
-iu upload-size Specifies the maximum size of an upload to use during a message transmission. See -iu option.
-lp number Specifies the port on which the Listener listens for notifications from the MobiLink server. The default is 5001. See -lp option.
-mn password Specifies a new password for the MobiLink user. See -mn option.
-mp password Specifies the password for the MobiLink user. See -mp option.
-mu username Specifies the MobiLink user. See -mu option.
-o logfile Specifies a file to which to log output messages. See -o option.
-on size Specifies a maximum size for the QAnywhere Agent message log file, after which the file is renamed with the extension .old and a new file is started. See -on option.
-os size Specifies a maximum size for the QAnywhere Agent message log file, after which a new log file with a new name is created and used. See -os option.
-ot logfile Specifies a file to which to log output messages. See -ot option.
-pc{+|-} Enables persistent connections for message transmission. See -pc option.
-policy policy-type Specifies the transmission policy used by the QAnywhere Agent. See -policy option.
-push mode Enables or disables push notifications. The default is enabled. See -push option.
-q Starts the QAnywhere Agent in quiet mode with the window minimized in the system tray. See -q option.
-qi Starts the QAnywhere Agent in quiet mode with the window completely hidden. See -qi option.
-si Initializes the database for use as a client message store. See -si option.
-su Upgrades a client message store to the current version without running dbunload/reload. See -su option.
-sur Upgrades a client message store to the current version and performs dbunload/reload of the message store. See -sur option
-sv Uses the SQL Anywhere Network Database Server as the database server. See -sv option.
-v [levels] Specifies a level of verbosity. See -v option.
-x { http|tcpip|tls|https } [ (keyword=value;...) ] Specifies protocol options for communication with the MobiLink server. See -x option.
-xd Specifies that the QAnywhere Agent should use dynamic addressing of the MobiLink server. See -xd option.
See also

@data option
-c option
-fd option
-fr option
-id option
-idl option
-iu option
-lp option
-mn option
-mp option
-mu option
-o option
-on option
-os option
-ot option
-pc option
-policy option
-push option
-q option
-qi option
-si option
-su option
-sur option
-sv option
-v option
-x option
-xd option