Introduction to MobiLink custom authentication

MobiLink synchronization scripts can be written in SQL, Java, or .NET. You can use Java or .NET to add custom actions at any point of a synchronization.

In this tutorial, you add a Java or .NET method for the authenticate_user connection event. The authenticate_user event allows you to specify a custom authentication scheme and override the MobiLink built-in client authentication.

Required software
  • SQL Anywhere 11
  • Java Software Development Kit
Competencies and experience

You require:

  • familiarity with Java
  • basic knowledge of MobiLink event scripts

You gain competence and familiarity with:

  • MobiLink custom authentication
Key concepts

This section uses the following steps to implement basic Java-based synchronization using the MobiLink CustDB sample database:

  • compiling a source file with MobiLink server API references
  • specifying class methods for particular table-level events
  • running the MobiLink server (mlsrv11) with the -sl java option
  • testing synchronization with a sample Windows client application
Suggested background reading

For more information about authenticating MobiLink clients, see Choosing a user authentication mechanism.

For more information about integrating POP3, IMAP, or LDAP authentication, see Authenticating to external servers.

For more information about .NET or Java synchronization scripts, see Writing synchronization scripts in .NET or Writing synchronization scripts in Java.