Lesson 4: Test the authentication

UltraLite comes with a sample Windows client that automatically invokes the dbmlsync utility when the user issues a synchronization. It is a simple sales-status application that you can run against the CustDB consolidated database you started in the previous lesson.

To start the sample application and test authentication

  1. Start the sample application.

    From the Start menu, choose Programs » SQL Anywhere 11 » UltraLite » Windows Sample Application.

  2. Enter an invalid employee ID and synchronize.

    In this application, the employee ID is also the MobiLink user name. If the user name does not begin with "ML", your Java or .NET logic causes synchronization to fail. Input a value of 50 for the employee ID and press Enter.

    The UltraLite CustDB Demo window appears indicating a synchronization error with SQL Code -103. SQL Code -103 represents an invalid user ID or password.

Further reading

For more information about the CustDB Windows Application, see Exploring the CustDB sample for MobiLink.