
Regenerate the pubs2 database and remove all tutorial materials from your computer.

To regenerate the pubs2 database

  • To run the script that installs the pubs2 database, run the following command:

    -U sa
    -P Your password for sa account
    -i %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\scripts\instpbs2

    If you are accessing Adaptive Server Enterprise remotely, use the -S parameter to specify the server name. You also have to copy the instpbs2 file locally onto your computer. The -i parameter needs to updated so that the new location of the instpbs2 file is specified.

To delete the synchronization model

  1. Start Sybase Central.

  2. Double-click MobiLink 11 in the right pane.

    The sync_ase model appears.

  3. Right click sync_ase and choose Delete.

    The Confirm Delete window appears. Choose Delete.

To erase the remote database

  • To erase the remote database, use the dberase utility. Run the following command:

    dberase sync_ase\remote\sync_ase_remote.db