The synchronization process

A synchronization is a process of data exchange between MobiLink clients and a central data source. During this process, the client must establish and maintain a session with the MobiLink server. If successful, the session leaves the remote and consolidated databases in a mutually consistent state.

The client normally initiates the synchronization process. It begins by establishing a connection to the MobiLink server.

The upload and the download

To upload rows, MobiLink clients prepare and send an upload that contains a list of all the rows that have been updated, inserted, or deleted on the remote database since the last synchronization. Similarly, to download rows, the MobiLink server prepares and sends a download that contains a list of inserts, updates, and deletes.

  1. Upload By default, the MobiLink client automatically keeps track of which rows in the remote database have been inserted, updated, or deleted since the last successful synchronization. Once the connection is established, the MobiLink client uploads a list of all these changes to the synchronization server.

    The upload consists of a set of new and old row values for rows modified in the remote database. (Updates have new and old row values; deletes have old values; and inserts have new values.) If a row has been updated or deleted, the old values are those that were present immediately following the last successful synchronization. If a row has been inserted or updated, the new values are the current row values. No intermediate values are sent, even if the row was modified several times before arriving at its current state.

    The MobiLink server receives the upload and executes upload scripts that you define. By default it applies all the changes in a single transaction. When it has finished, the MobiLink server commits the transaction.

  2. Download The MobiLink server compiles a list of rows to insert, update, or delete on the MobiLink client, using synchronization logic that you create. It downloads these rows to the MobiLink client. To compile this list, the MobiLink server opens a new transaction on the consolidated database.

    The MobiLink client receives the download. It takes the arrival of the download as confirmation that the consolidated database has successfully applied all uploaded changes. It ensures that these changes are not sent to the consolidated database again.

    Next, the MobiLink client automatically processes the download, deleting old rows, inserting new rows, and updating rows that have changed. It applies all these changes in a single transaction in the remote database. When finished, it commits the transaction.

During MobiLink synchronization, there are few distinct exchanges of information. The client builds and uploads the entire upload. In response, the synchronization server builds and downloads the entire download. Limiting the chattiness of the protocol is especially important when communication is slower and has higher latency, as is the case when using telephone lines or public wireless networks.


MobiLink operates using the ODBC isolation level SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED as the default isolation level for the consolidated database. If the RDBMS used for the consolidated database supports snapshot isolation, and if snapshot is enabled for the database, then by default MobiLink uses snapshot isolation for downloads. See MobiLink isolation levels.

See also

MobiLink events
Transactions in the synchronization process
How synchronization failure is handled
How the upload is processed
Referential integrity and synchronization