Action variables

The following Windows Listener action variables can be used anywhere in the action or altaction.

An action variable is substituted just before the action or altaction is performed.

Listener action variables start with a dollar sign ($). The escape character is also a dollar sign, so to specify a single dollar sign as plain text, type $$. For example, type $$message_start when you don't want $message_start to be substituted.

Action variable Description
$subject The subject of the message.
$content The content of the message.
$message The entire message, including subject, content, and formatting that is specific to the delivery path.
$message_start A portion of the text of the message from the beginning, as specified in -l message_start. This variable is only available if you have specified -l message_start.
$message_end The part of the message that is left over after the part specified in -l message_start is removed. This variable is only available if you have specified -l message_start.
$ml_connect The MobiLink connection parameters specified by the mlsrv11 -x option. The default is an empty string.
$ml_user The MobiLink user name as specified by dblsn -u, or the default name (device-name-dblsn).
$ml_password The MobiLink user name password as specified by dblsn -w, or the new MobiLink user name password if -y is used.
$priority The meaning of this variable is carrier library-dependent.
$request_id The request ID that was specified for the push request. See Push requests.
$remote_id The remote ID. This variable can only be used when the dblsn -r option is specified. See Filtering by remote ID.
$sender The sender of the message.
$type The meaning of this variable is carrier library dependent.
$year The meaning of this variable is carrier library-dependent.
$month The meaning of this variable is carrier library-dependent. Values can be from 1-12.
$day The meaning of this variable is carrier library-dependent. Values can be from 1-31.
$hour The meaning of this variable is carrier library-dependent. Values can be from 0-23.
$minute The meaning of this variable is carrier library-dependent. Values can be from 0-59.
$second The meaning of this variable is carrier library-dependent. Values can be from 0-59.
$best_adapter_mac The MAC address of the best NIC for reaching the MobiLink server that is specified in the dblsn command line with the -x option. If the best route does not go through a NIC, the value is an empty string.
$best_adapter_name The adapter name of the best NIC for reaching the MobiLink server that is specified in the dblsn command line with the -x option. If the best route does not go through a NIC, the value is an empty string.
$best_ip The IP address of the best IP interface for reaching the MobiLink server that is specified in the dblsn command line with the -x option. If that server is unreachable, the value is
$best_network_name The RAS or dialup profile name of the best profile for reaching the MobiLink server that is specified in the dblsn command line with the -x option. If the best route does not go through a RAS/dialup connection, the value is an empty string.
$adapters A list of active network adapter names, each separated by a vertical bar ( | ).
$network_names A list of connected RAS entry names, each separated by a vertical bar ( | ). RAS entry names are sometimes referred to as dial-up entry names or Dial-Up Network (DUN).

For example, if a message arrives in the form message_start pub-name, you can use the following $message_end action variable to determine which publication to synchronize:

-l "message_start=message_start;action='dbmlsync.exe -c ... -n $message_end'"