Palm Listener Configuration utility

The Palm Listener Configuration utility, running on a Windows desktop, creates a configuration file for the Palm Listener. See Palm Listener utility.

dblsncfg -n [ filename ] -l message-handler [ -l message-handler... ]
message-handler : [ filter;...] action
filter :
[ subject = string ]
[ content = string ]
[ message = string | message_start = string ]
[ sender = string ]
action : action=run application-name [ arguments ]
Option Description

Reads options from the specified environment variable or configuration file. If both exist, the environment variable is used. See Storing Listener options.

-l message-handler

-l allows you to specify a message handler, which is a filter-action pair. The filter determines which message should be handled, and the action is invoked when the filter matches a message. You can specify multiple instances of -l. Each instance of -l specifies a different message handler.

-n filename

The -n option is used to create a configuration file for the Palm Listener. The filename should be lsncfg.pdb.

Filters   You specify a filter to compare to an incoming message. If the filter matches, the action you specify is invoked.

See Using subject and content filters and Using the filters message, message_start, and sender.

The filter is optional. If you do not specify a filter, the action is performed when any message is received.


The action fully launches the specified application. The syntax is run application-name [ arguments ]. arguments is an application-dependent string; it may contain action variables. The PilotMain routine of the target application should take a string as the command block. See Palm action variables.

Note: When running the Palm Listener Configuration utility on a Windows desktop to generate a configuration file for the Palm, you must specify the run action. However, on the Palm device you can delete the run action using the Handler Editor in the Palm Listener. This way you can consume the message without causing an action.

Palm action variables