Notifiers in a MobiLink server farm

Prior to version 11.0, server-initiated synchronization could cause redundant notifications and significant load on the consolidated database in a MobiLink server farm environment. Now you can run a Notifier on every MobiLink server in the farm and the Notifiers together ensure that there are no redundant notifications to the same Listener. The -lsc server option is used to pass information to other servers when they want to connect to the local MobiLink server. See -lsc option.

This feature makes one Notifier the primary, and all other Notifiers in the farm secondary. The primary Notifier is in control of notification, either directly or indirectly via the secondaries. The secondary Notifiers also route Listener information to the Primary Notifier, so it knows where the Listeners are and how to reach them.

If the MobiLink server running the primary Notifier goes down, the server farm fails over and elects a new primary Notifier, and notifications continue.

Listeners may connect to any ML server in the farm without needing to know which is the primary server.

In order to use this feature, the following mlsrv11 command line options are required on all MobiLink servers in the farm:


On host001:

mlsrv11 -notifier -zs ml001 -lsc tcpip(host=host001;port=2439) ...

On host007:

mlsrv11 -notifier -zs ml007 -lsc tcpip(host=host007;port=2439) ...