Starting the Notifier

You start Notifiers on the mlsrv11 command line. To start the Notifier, use the mlsrv11 option -notifier. Optionally, you can also specify the name of your Notifier properties file, if you have one.

Following is a partial mlsrv11 command line:

mlsrv11 ... -notifier c:\myfirst.notifier

For information about how properties are read if you specify a properties file in the command line, see Setting properties in more than one place.

For information about how properties are applied, see Setting properties.

For more information about the -notifier option, see -notifier option.

When you use the -notifier option, you start every Notifier that you have enabled. For more information about enabling Notifiers, see enable property.

Note for QAnywhere users

When you run the MobiLink server, mlsrv11, with the -m option, a Notifier is automatically started for you.

Another way to send notifications

As an alternative to the Notifier, you can also use the sa_send_udp stored procedure to send simple notifications if you are using a SQL Anywhere consolidated database.

See Notifying the Listener with sa_send_udp.