LsnMain function

Provides the main entry point to PalmLsn.lib, the Palm Listener library.

UInt32 LsnMain(
    UInt16 cmd,
    MemPtr cmdPBP,
    UInt16 launchFlags
  • cmd   A Palm OS application launch code.

  • cmdPBP   A pointer to a structure containing launch code parameters. If your application does not have any launch-command-specific parameters, this value is null.

  • launchFlags   Flags that provide extra information about the launch.

Return value

A Palm OS error code. If the Palm listener library successfully processed the launch code, the function returns errNone.


The values passed to LsnMain are analogous to the launch code parameters passed to PilotMain, the main entry point of a Palm OS application.

For more information about these parameters, consult your Palm OS Reference.

See also

The following example, used in the Treo 650 smartphone implementation, passes launch code parameters to LsnMain in the main entry point of the Listener application.

UInt32 PilotMain(
    UInt16 cmd,
    MemPtr cmdPBP,
    UInt16 launchFlags )
    return( LsnMain( cmd, cmdPBP, launchFlags ) );