Writing Java synchronization logic

Writing Java synchronization logic requires knowledge of MobiLink events, some knowledge of Java, and knowledge of the MobiLink server API for Java.

For a complete description of the API, see MobiLink server API for Java Reference.

Java synchronization logic can be used to maintain state information, and implement logic around the upload and download events. For example, a begin_synchronization script written in Java could store the MobiLink user name in a variable. Scripts called later in the synchronization process can access this variable. Also, you can use Java to access rows in the consolidated database, before or after they are committed.

Using Java reduces dependence on the consolidated database. Behavior is affected less by upgrading the consolidated database to a new version or switching to a different database management system.

Direct row handling

You can use MobiLink direct row handling to communicate remote data to any central data source, application, or web service. Direct row handling uses special classes in the MobiLink server APIs for Java or .NET for direct access to synchronized data.

See Direct row handling.

Class instances
SQL-Java data types
Debugging Java classes
Handling MobiLink server errors in Java
User-defined start classes