-sl java option

Sets the Java virtual machine options and forces the virtual machine to load on startup.

mlsrv11 -c "connection-string" -sl java ( options ) ...

Sets -jrepath and other options to pass directly to the Java virtual machine. The options are:

Option Description
-hotspot | -server | -classic Override the default choice for the Java VM to use.
-cp location;... Specify a set of directories or jar files in which to search for classes. Instead of -cp, you can also use -classpath.

Set a system property. For example,

-Dsynchtype=far -Dextra_rows=yes
-DMLStartClasses=classname, ...

At server startup, load and instantiate user-defined start classes in the order listed.

-jrepath path Override the default JRE path, which is the install-dir\Sun\jre150 directory.
-verbose [ :class |:gc | :jni ] Enable verbose output.
-X vm-option Set a VM-specific option as described in the file install-dir\Sun\jre150\bin\client\Xusage.txt.

To display a list of Java options you can use, type:

Unix notes

Options must be enclosed in brackets. These can be round brackets, as shown in the syntax above, or curly braces { }.

The -jrepath option is only available on Windows. On UNIX, if you want to load a specific JRE, you should set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (LIBPATH on AIX, SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX) to include the directory containing the JRE. The directory must be listed before any of the SQL Anywhere installation directories.

On Unix, the -cp options must be separated with colons.

See also

For example, on Windows the following partial mlsrv11 command line sets the Java virtual machine option that enables system asserts:

mlsrv11 -sl java (-cp ;\myclasses; -esa) ...

On Windows, the following partial mlsrv11 command line defines the LDAP_SERVER system property:

mlsrv11 -sl java ( -cp ;\myclasses; -DLDAP_SERVER=huron-ldap ) ...

The following partial mlsrv11 command line works on Unix:

mlsrv11 -sl java { -cp .:$CLASSPATH:/opt/myclasses:/opt/my.jar: }