Some tables in your consolidated database may have rows that belong to many remote databases. Each remote database has a subset of the rows in the consolidated database and the subset overlaps with other remote databases. This is frequently the case with a customer table. In this case, there is a many-to-many relationship between the table and the remote databases and there is usually a table to represent the relationship. The scripts for the download_cursor and download_delete_cursor events need to join the table being downloaded to the relationship table.
The CustDB sample application uses this technique for the ULOrder table. The ULEmpCust table holds the many-to-many relationship information between ULCustomer and ULEmployee.
Each remote database receives only those rows from the ULOrder table for which the value of the emp_id column matches the MobiLink user name.
The SQL Anywhere version of the download_cursor script for ULOrder in the CustDB application is as follows:
SELECT o.order_id, o.cust_id, o.prod_id, o.emp_id, o.disc, o.quant, o.notes, o.status FROM ULOrder o , ULEmpCust ec WHERE o.cust_id = ec.cust_id AND ec.emp_id = {ml s.username} AND ( o.last_modified >= {ml s.last_table_download} OR ec.last_modified >= {ml s.last_table_download}) AND ( o.status IS NULL OR o.status != 'Approved' ) AND ( ec.action IS NULL ) |
This script is fairly complex. It illustrates that the query defining a table in the remote database can include more than one table in the consolidated database. The script downloads all rows in ULOrder for which all of the following are true:
The action column on ULEmpCust is used to mark columns for delete. Its purpose is not relevant to the current topic.
The download_delete_cursor script is as follows.
SELECT o.order_id FROM ULOrder o, ULEmpCust ec WHERE o.cust_id = ec.cust_id AND ec.emp_id = {ml s.username} AND ( o.last_modified >= {ml s.last_table_download} OR c.last_modified >= {ml s.last_table_download} ) AND ( o.status IS NULL OR o.status != 'Approved' ) AND ( ec.action IS NULL ) |
This script deletes all approved rows from the remote database.
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