NSAPI Redirector for Netscape/Sun web servers on Windows (deprecated)


The Redirector has been deprecated. In its place, use the Relay Server. See Synchronizing through a web server with the relay server.

The NSAPI Redirector is provided for the Sun Java System web server, which was previously known as Sun One and the Netscape iPlanet Enterprise Edition web server.

For information about version support, see [external link] SQL Anywhere Supported Platforms and Engineering Status.

To use this Redirector on Unix, see NSAPI Redirector for Netscape/Sun web servers on Unix (deprecated).

To use the Redirector with Netscape/Sun web servers on other platforms, you can use the servlet Redirector. See Servlet Redirector (deprecated).

To configure the NSAPI Redirector

  1. Complete the steps in Configuring Redirector properties (for Redirectors that support server groups).

  2. If necessary, copy the file iaredirect.dll to the computer that holds the web server. This file is installed with the MobiLink server, in the MobiLink\redirector\web-server subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation, where web-server is the name of your NSAPI web server.

  3. If your web server is on a separate computer from the Redirector, you must copy the following files to that computer and ensure that they are in your path. The files you need depends on what, if any, encryption you are using.

    The following file locations are relative to your SQL Anywhere installation directory:

    Setup Files required
    • bin32\dblgen11.dll1
    • bin32\dbicu11.dll
    • bin32\dbicudt11.dll
    ECC encryption
    • bin32\mlcecc11.dll
    RSA encryption
    • bin32\mlcrsa11.dll
    RSA encryption with FIPS
    • bin32\mlcrsafips11.dll
    • bin32\sbgse2.dll

    1 For German, Japanese, and Chinese editions, substitute en with de, ja, and zh, respectively.

    For information about how to change the language, see Understanding the locale language.

  4. Update the NSAPI magnus.conf and obj.conf web server configuration files as follows.

    Sample file provided

    Sample copies of magnus.conf and obj.conf, preconfigured for the MobiLink server, are provided in the MobiLink\redirector\web-server subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation, where web-server is the name of your NSAPI web server.

    Update the following sections of the magnus.conf and obj.conf.

    • In magnus.conf, specify where iaredirect.dll and the Redirector configuration file are located.

      At the end of the Init section, add the following text, where location is the actual location of the files (iaredirect.dll and the Redirector configuration file can be in different locations, although both must be on the same computer as the web server or a drive that is accessible to the web server):

      Init fn="load-modules" shlib="location/iaredirect.dll"
      Init fn="initialize_redirector" configFile="location/redirector.config"
    • In obj.conf, specify the name of the Redirector to be used in URLs.

      At the beginning of the default object section, add the following text. This section should appear exactly as provided below, except that you can change mlredirect to whatever you want. All requests of the form http://host:port/mlredirect/ml/* are sent to one of the MobiLink servers running with the Redirector.

      <Object name=default>
      NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/mlredirect/ml/*" name="redirectToML"
    • In obj.conf, specify the objects that are called by the Redirector. After the default object section, add the following section:
      <Object name="redirectToML">
      Service fn="redirector" serverType="ml"

Following is an example of the section of magnus.conf that you need to customize.

Init fn="load-modules" shlib="D:/iaredirect.dll"
Init fn="initialize_redirector" configFile="D:/redirector.config"

Following is an example of the sections of obj.conf that are important to the Redirector:

<Object name=default>
NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/mlredirect/ml/*" name="redirectToML"
<Object name="redirectToML">
Service fn="redirector" serverType="ml"

To test your configuration

  1. Call the Redirector using the following syntax:

  2. Check the log file to see if the Redirector logged a request.

    Note: This test does not make a connection to the MobiLink server.