-cn option

Sets the maximum number of simultaneous consolidated database connections.

mlsrv11 -c "connection-string" -cn value ...

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections that the MobiLink server should make to the consolidated database. The minimum and the default value are one greater than the number of database worker threads. A warning is issued if the supplied value is too small.

A MobiLink database connection is only used for synchronizations using one script version. When the MobiLink server is using all of the database connections that it is permitted by the -cn option, if a synchronization is pending but no database connection for its script version currently exists, the MobiLink server disconnects a connection and then creates a new database connection for the pending synchronization's script version.

A value larger than the number of worker threads may speed performance, particularly if connecting to the consolidated database is slow or if multiple script versions are in use. The optimum maximum number of database connections is the number of script versions times the number of worker threads, plus one. Connections above this optimum value do not necessarily speed synchronization, and needlessly consumes resources in both the MobiLink server and the consolidated database server.

See also